Archive for December, 2012

Sad Replicator, Happy Replicator

Last weekend I printed out this Makerbot Snowman for a ‘secret-Santa’ gift exchange:

All together took around 7 hours.  The next day I went to do another print.  But something was wrong.  The Heated Build Platform wasn’t ‘heating’… it was stuck on 14 degs.  Upon closer inspection I saw this:

(it was plugged in at the time, un-plugged for drama)

Fried.  Contacted Makerbot tech-support, and 5 days later I had a new wire & connector in-hand, no charge.  Plugged it all together:

And now it’s happily printing again.  It’s probably hard to tell from the pics, but the positive and negative leads on the new connector are a larger gauge:  Support said that the newer models ship with the larger wires, presumably because of these issues.