Processing in Eclipse

I think that Processing‘s default IDE, the PDE, is pretty accessible to the new programmer.  I’ve had a lot of fun with it.  But since Processing is based on Java, it could be presumed that it could be authored in a Java IDE.  And indeed it can.  Via the processing site, there is a tutorial that walks you through the process of setting up a simple Processing sketch inside the Eclipse Java IDE.  Why would you want to do this?  For me, mainly code reuse:  The PDE doesn’t allow for a lot of easyconvenient code reuse:  Say you make a particle class in sketchA, and you want to use it in sketchB:  You’ll need to physically duplicate the code inside of your new sketch.  Ouch.

After completing this excersize, it just makes me realize how little I know about Java!  But I think Eclipse is a great place to start learning it.


New Processing sketch: glowMotes01
What to make a game in, part 2
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