Archive for the ‘ art ’ Category

Bubblepaint v0.2.1 released

Find a list of all the goodness over on it’s page.


‘Uglyface bubbles’ made by my son :-)

The Matrix

Since I never ‘went to school’ for any kind of programming, I’ve had to pick it up as needed throughout my career.  One of the ‘great mysteries’ has been matrix math.  I’m a visual person, and that includes learning math.  Last night, while reading chapter 9 in my PyGame book ‘Beginning Game Development with Python and PyGame: From Novice to Professional‘, the whole ‘matrix thing’ finally made sense in my brain.  So much in fact, I couldn’t fall asleep I was mulling it over so much.  Waking up, I decided to dive into it, and made some psuedo-code showing how matrix multiplication happens.  But it was still really hard to physically visualize what was going on.  So, working in GIMP, I made a graphical layout of what is going on.  It is a work of beauty :)

Couple things are presumed:  It is a description of multiplying two 4×4 matrices, with their translation along the bottom row, not the right column.  In each of the sixteen blocks, the sub-matrices (‘matrixA’ on the left, ‘matrixB’ on the right) are multiplied left to right, and added top to bottom to get the final result of each block.  Time for a t-shirt!

visualMatrixMult02Click through (twice) for a larger version.
You can find it on flickr here as well.

BubblePaint v0.01


This is the results of my latest efforts to learn PyGame using PyMunk, a Python wrapper around the Chipmunk 2D physics engine.  Eventually I hope to use this knowledge in a physics-based tank game, but right now, I’m just having fun ‘painting’ with the ‘bubbles’.  There’s no great magic going on in my opinion, just some weekend coding fun.

In a nutshell:

  • You paint with “bubbles” on the canvas using the mouse.  It expects you have a 3-button mouse with a scroll wheel in the middle (because that’s what I have).  Since its physics based, the bubbles will push each other around, and none will be overlapping (if given time to settle).
  • LMB-drag draws bubbles
  • MMB-drag up\down: changes bubble size. Bigger bubbles get darker, smaller bubbles get lighter.
  • RMB-drag up\down: change brush hue
  • Mouse-wheel: change pressure of bubbles (number applied at once, from 1->10)
  • ‘s’ will save ‘test.png’ in the install dir.

You can find the Python source here:

And you can find a zipped Windows executable here:

Future plans for this include:

  • Shapes other than circles (square, triangle, random-polygon)
  • Ability to enable gravity, and add static rigid bodies (more of a physics sandbox at that point)
  • Images for the ‘bubbles’ rather than just solid color.
  • The ability to ‘dry’ the canvas to allow for multiple layers of painting.
  • A smarter way to save images.
  • A toggleable overlay layer showing stats.
  • Change the background color.
  • User defined resolution.  Currently set to 768×768

But we’ll see how much of that happens, I have family coming into two for the next few weeks :)

Academy of Science