Posts Tagged ‘ wall hanger

Second custom 3d print: Another hex cloud

I’m apparently into hexagons these days.  I did another hexagonal design in Maya, printed it out on my Replicator with black filament (to contrast the white print I did last post).  This one took twice as long (8 hours) as the previous print as well, I’m guessing it has roughly twice the volume.  Currently I have it setup in my art-space holding a LED lamp I made using my Ostrich Egg-Bot (describe in a previous post), see pic below.  You can download the .stl file over on Thingiverse and print one yourself!  A day after submitting, it was added as a “Featured Thing” on their homepage, quite an honor :)

It makes a fine necklace holder

Lamp holder


Holes are 2 1/4" apart

My first custom 3d print: Hex Cloud

The past weekend I finally found time to make my first custom print for my Makerbot Replicator.  In Maya, I modeled & booleaned a variety of hexagonal mesh to create a “hexagonal cloud-like wall-hanger”.  I wanted to it to be artsy, and functional too:

Took just over four hours to print with two shells, and 10% infill.  I have to admit that it was a surreal experience to see the final print:  Just four hours ago this design was digital only, but now, it exists in the physical.  There’s a first time for everything.

To print it yourself, you can download the stl file over on Thingiverse.

Here is its (current) permanent home