Posts Tagged ‘ jython

Compare Jython and Java swing authoring

Since I’m teaching myself Java, and recently installed Jython, I thought it would be interesting to compare the two for authoring swing UI’s.  To aid in this development, I got the PyDev plugin for Eclipse installed, allowing for me to use Eclipse as an IDE for Jython and Python, nice.  FYI, I am by no means an expert at swing, or Java.  But the examples do work :)

Both examples display identical “Hello World!” window.

Here’s the Jython:

from javax.swing import *
from java.awt import *

class TextTest(JFrame):
    def __init__(self):
        JFrame.__init__(self, "TextTest")
        self.setSize(256, 128)
        pane = HelloPane()

class HelloPane(JPanel):
    def paintComponent(self, comp):
        f = Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 32)
        comp.drawString("Hello World!", 32, 64)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tt = TextTest()

And here’s the Java:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class TextTest extends JFrame {
    public TextTest() {
        setSize(256, 128);
        HelloPane pane = new HelloPane();

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        TextTest frame = new TextTest();

class HelloPane extends JPanel {
    public void paintComponent(Graphics comp) {
        Graphics2D comp2D = (Graphics2D)comp;
        Font f = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 32);
        comp2D.drawString("Hello World!", 32, 64);


jythonAs I delve deeper into my new ‘Learning Java Book‘, I continue to miss Python more and more.  Not that I don’t find Java an impressive language; it’s amazing what us humans can come up with.  But considering I learned Python first, Java (and every other languange I’ve ran into) seem… less desirable in comparison.  I know them’s fightin’ words in some parts, but hey, this is my blog.

I’d known about Jython for some time, but it finally clicked in my head:  Why not try it?  It’s Java, but it acts like Python.  After an easy download and installation, I fired up it’s ‘jython.bat’ file (on WinXP) and there before me was the Python (er… I mean Jython) prompt.  It was an eerie feeling using an interactive  Jython shell to import ‘javax.swing’ and make a simple UI, but it worked flawlessly.  And so much easier than having to jump through all those Java hoops requiring you to make extraneous classes, etc.

From an online tutorial:


Thus creates:


I’m not sure where Jython will take me, but it sure makes me warm up to Java more :)  Next step will be to get it running in Eclipse