And Finally: Sailfish


So after owning my Makerbot Replicator 1 for nearly 2.5 years now, I finally upgraded the firmware to Sailfish.  Why has it taken so long?  I was under the (very) false impression that you’d have to use ReplicatorG to do all your slicing (these days RepG feels super clunky/slow to me).  As it turns out Sailfish allows you to use more slicers than Makerware does:  You only need a special cut of RepG to update the firmware.

Install took maybe 15 minutes, just because I was taking my time.  Did the initial print at 120mm/sec, and it turned out great (above).  Crazy to see my machine printing that fast with quality results: usually I let it run at 90mm/sec.

Interesting things:

Fun with Google Cardboard
3D Printer Surgery: Replacing my Makerbot Replicator 1's Voltage Regulator
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