Archive for June, 2009

You Got Bauered

My wife and I are on season seven of “24”.  I’m beginning to realize what a tough-guy Jack Bauer is.  I think the chain of command goes something like this now:

Chuck Norris -> Mr. T -> Jack Bauer
(Still working on where to put Clint Eastwood…)

In light of that, I came up with this idea the other night, and figured I should immortalize it:

You Got Bauered

You Got Bauered

What to make a game in, part 2

After some serious thinking (based on my previous post), I’ve decided to go with PyGame as my initial platform for making a game.  As much as I like Processing for making ‘interactive visuals’, the more I learn Python, the more I like it (as in, the language itself… Python has no great graphics abilities on its own).  The syntax is just so much cleaner than Java (Processing).  I also looked closely at XNA, but approaching C# doesn’t give me any great joy, based on its structural similarities to Java.  There is a huge XNA community, and I’ll probably come back to at during some point.  I also took a serious look at Blender, and its game creation system.  But since I’m so used to Maya as my DCC tool, switching to Blender was really hard.   You can’t change the hotkeys!  It’s just too much for me :)  Maybe when version 2.5 comes out…   So for now,  PyGame FTW!

I have picked up some books on the subjects to supliment the vast quantity of tutorials on the web:



And while I was at it, got one on the Arduino, since you never know when that will come in handy 😉

I’ve already got a simple 2-‘player’ game up and running where you can drive two ‘tanks’ around the screen.  A pleasing start.

On a side note, my Xbox 360 got the RROD last night.  Sigh…

Another day of pictures…